Archive for the ‘National Issues’ category

“The good old days” weren’t so good

June 8, 2007

Lately I have been getting more of those emails extolling the “good old days” when people took personal responsibility, music was really music, everyone worked hard, kids were good, and the world was generally a better place.

My memory is a bit different.

When I was born, my mother had to get another ration card so I could have enough milk. The world was at war, and food was scarce.

By the time I was three and the war had ended, 16 million Americans had served in the military, more than 400,000 had been killed, and total casualties were over one million. Around the world, nearly 20 million had died.

It was only a few years later that my grammar school class was being instructed on how to “duck and cover” should we see the telltale flash of a nuclear explosion from our former allies, the Russians. The Cold War had begun in earnest.

When I was seven, North Korea invaded the south. Five million Americans were called to service, including many who had served in World War II. Three years and 140,000 casualties later, President Eisenhower threatened to use a nuclear bomb and a truce was called. True peace still eludes us.

Fear of enemies was so high during that time that a right wing movement led by Senator Joe McCarthy was able to destroy hundreds of careers — and lives — in the name of “anti-Communism.”

My grammar school had no cafeteria, no prepared lunches, no sports, no gym and a standard class size of 35 kids. The only organized sport was Little League. My “elite” high school (Boston Latin) had no biological sciences, few electives and class sizes over 30. Its primary pedagogical tools were intimidation and humiliation.

When I entered college, the nation was coming out of a recession and the percentage of Americans below the poverty level was over 22%, almost double what it is today. While I was in college, we saw the Cuban Missile crisis, the construction of the Berlin wall and the assassination of President Kennedy. Each one of these events sent the fear of war (and of being drafted) racing through the campus.

By the time I got out of college, I had to find a way to discharge my required military service, so I joined the Army Reserves. I got off active duty in June, 1965, just before Lyndon Johnson made the worst mistake of his career and sent 200,000 American soldiers to Viet Nam. 8.7 Million Americans served in the military during that endless war, and 211,000 of them were killed or wounded.

This year, I will become eligible for Medicare, which did not exist in the “good old days.” My Italian tailor grandfather spent his entire savings on my diabetic grandmother. He could not retire. He died with a needle in his hand at 72.
I had an Italian uncle whose friends used to talk about “the good old days.” He said, “You know what I tell them? I tell them that the good old days weren’t that good. We had a lousy economy, a war, no regulation. There were no antibiotics…. I say ‘You know what was good about the good old days? You were young!’ ”

Time to End Childish Games

May 7, 2007

One of the joys of living on the Cape is that our children and grandchildren like to visit and its fun to watch the young ones grow in stature and intellect. When supper is finished we gather around the table to enjoy stories and play board games much like we did in the “olden days.”
With younger children we play simple games that require no experience and are easy to master. They learn to play the cards they are dealt, that no one wins every game and nobody likes sore losers. The same values they will experience throughout their lives.

President Bush enjoys playing games, especially with those who disagree with him. He arrogantly believes he can win every game and woe to anyone who dares challenge him. I believe he is playing simplistic games with our adversaries. Bush thinks in terms of today, tomorrow, next week, next month, the next surge or the end of the summer.

Our adversaries; however, are playing much more complex games, games like four-dimensional chess. They think in terms of decades or even generations into the future. They are very patient, and easily plan to make the ultimate sacrifice, even of their innocent children, for their beliefs.

These qualities are nowhere more evident than in the war being fought in Iraq.

It is clear that each new Bush strategy is met with a counter strategy. I wonder if our opponents learned how to respond by looking back at how our earliest patriots defeated England, at that time, the most powerful nation in the world. British soldiers wore red uniforms, plumed hats and marched in straight lines while colonists hid in the woods behind rocks and trees and waited “to see the whites of their eyes before firing.” We slept in the cold and endured terrible suffering while they used our homes for shelter. The British had superior resources but colonists had a dream.

Those we fight in Iraq recognize they are fighting the most powerful country in the world and they are willing to endure the hardships and privations to achieve their albeit less noble goals. And Bush’s plan is simply to stay the course.

Meanwhile everyday problems, like bacteria in our food, global warming, drug resistant viruses and other unknowns that will affect those on all sides of every issue, continue to grow and evolve.

The vast majority of Americans recognize its time to put away childish games.

Could we have clean elections for Congress?

April 16, 2007

In our opinion, one of the Massachusetts legislature’s more disgraceful acts in the last 50 years was the repeal (in 2003) of the public financing of elections law created by vote of the people after an initiative petition.

Sitting legislators feel threatened by public financing. The thought that some unknown person with little money-raising ability could run against them using state money to level the playing field sends chills up their spines.

But the idea of public financing of campaigns makes so much sense that some states (like Maine) have successfully enacted so-called “Clean Elections” laws. Now we all have the chance to push for such an act for federal elections to Congress.

Senate Majority Leader Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) have introduced the “Fair Elections Now Act” to bring Clean Elections to the U.S. Senate. The fact that the majority leader has pledged to lead this fight in the Senate with the support of a leading minority Senator represents a significant milestone in the history of Clean Elections. Meanwhile, Massachusetts’ own Representative, John Tierney, will introduce similar legislation in the house with the help of Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), and Todd Platts (R-PA).

Common Cause has put the full weight of its organization behind these efforts, and if you would like to communicate your support of Fair Elections Now, they will hand-deliver your message. Just go to

The final bill has not yet been written but it should include the following elements:

o To qualify for public financing, candidates must agree to forego private contributions and raise a set number of $5 qualifying contributions. The number of contributions required is dependent on the population and number of congressional districts in each state.
o The amount of funding candidates would receive is also dependent on the state population and number of congressional districts. Also included in the funding formula is a possible adjustment for media markets.
o Candidates would receive broadcast vouchers discounting the cost of ads run near the end of primary and general election campaigns.
o Fair Elections participants that face privately financed opponents are eligible to receive “fair fight funds” to keep the race on a level playing field.

Even the most sincere and honest Congressman or woman cannot avoid being influenced by the need to raise huge amounts of money to run for office (and 2008 promises to be a record- breaking year for campaign fund raising). It’s time to take the fat cats out of the equation and make our $5 donations the key!

Medicare for everyone!

February 15, 2007

According to the Cape Cod Times, the non-profit, bipartisan Economic Policy Institute reports that the number of Americans who do not have health insurance increased to 46.6 million in 2005. The EPI tells us that “….weak employment, combined with rising costs for health insurance, have resulted in many employers canceling coverage and many workers declining to accept coverage when it is offered.”

When is the United States going to join the rest of the industrialized world and make health insurance available to all of us; not just those with good jobs?

The most common way countries use to provide universal health insurance is some sort of single payer plan. People often criticize the single payer plans operated by foreign countries like Canada and Britain, but they seldom mention one of the largest single payer plans in the world, which is right here in the United States.

We call it Medicare, and it covers roughly 42 million Americans, including 6.3 million people under 65 who are permanently disabled.

We think those who oppose universal health insurance do not mention Medicare because they know most people are happy with it. Those on Medicare notice that they are not subject to the same restrictions on doctors and hospitals that are often placed on those in managed care plans. They believe the service they get is reasonably prompt. And they sense that the program operates relatively efficiently.

So, why don’t we simply extend Medicare to everyone?

The only serious problem we can see with this plan is the cost. The Medicare program is already hading for serious financial trouble as the population ages and the ratio of workers to beneficiaries goes down.

We have a suggestion that would solve both problems. It would cure the looming fiscal problem facing Medicare, and, at the same time, provide enough revenue to extend Medicare to every American, rich and poor, old and young. Our suggestion is a Value Added Tax (VAT).

The VAT is a form of sales tax that most European countries (and Canada) use. It is built into the price of products and services. Every time you bought something a portion of what you paid would be used to fund your health insurance.

The VAT should be able to raise enough money to fund a universal Medicare program without causing undue increases in prices. It will also eliminate the tax workers now pay to fund insurance for people who do not work.

Offsetting the increase in taxes we will pay would be the huge reduction in health insurance payments we all make. Company insurance plans could now focus on supplemental health insurance, which is much cheaper.

To reduce the regressive impact common to all sales taxes, we suggest excluding taxes on food, clothing, rents and products that already have sales taxes built in, like gasoline.

Right now, one way or another, the government pays for almost half of all medical costs in the United States through programs like Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and Federal and State employee health insurance. Think of all the money we will save by combining all of those – plus all private insurance, which comes from hundreds of companies, each with their own administrative staffs — into one plan? Even doctors and hospitals would benefit from significantly reduced paperwork!

We have the need, and we have the program that will take care of that need. Now all we need is the will to do it.

Where will the wind farms go?

February 15, 2007

The first time I drove through Southern California, I was struck by the unique beauty of the beaches. Then I drove by a cluster of oil wells! Oil wells? Yes, right on the beach?

I think of those machines moving up and down slowly, like a drinking duck, as they pumped out the last bits of oil from under those beautiful beaches every time I read another aesthetic objection to wind farms.

We expect California to put ugly metal derricks on its beaches. We do not object when huge drilling platforms are floated out into the gulf off Louisiana. We tear down whole mountains to mine coal for electricity. But when someone wants to put a silent, sleek wind tower anywhere near us, we say “Oh, no, not here. Our place is special –unlike any other. Windmills will ruin the unique view!”

Recently, Maine was the scene of a particularly bizarre example of this sort of thinking.
A company called “Maine Mountain Power” proposed a 30-unit wind farm in the northern woods of Maine. The wind farm could provide enough electricity for 40,000 homes and replace 730,000 pounds of pollution per day generated by a conventional fossil fuel plant. It would be built near Reddington, on old logging roads, in a relatively unpopulated area of Maine.

Some of the towers would be visible from the Appalachian Trail and others from the Sugarloaf Ski report, but mockup photographs show that they would appear small and distant.

Approval of the project was put into the hands of the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission (LURC) and on December 22nd, 2006, Maine papers reported that the LURC staff had recommended “…approval of a proposed wind farm project for Reddington Pond Range and Black Nubble Mountains near the Sugarloaf ski resort.”

“The staff’s analysis noted that the LURC had received more than 200 letters in support of the project, as well as support from former Maine Governor Angus King and several legislators, the president of Sugarloaf Ski Resort, and the Franklin Journal, Kennebec Journal, Lewiston Sun Journal, and Portland Press Herald.“

Sounds like a “win-win” right? Nope. At the end of January the board of the LURC, which supervises ten million acres of largely uninhabited “unorganized land,” rejected its staff’s recommendations and vetoed the Reddington project citing “concerns about its visual and environmental effects.”

If we cannot put wind farms where they will never be seen by 99.99% of all Americans; if we cannot put them in a small part of ten million acres of woods; if we cannot have them on land that had previously been cleared by loggers, then where can we put them? And if we don’t start building them right now, might it not be too late to save the planet for our grandkids?

Take this test.

February 15, 2007

If you were asked to vote on the following laws, how would you vote?

Would you vote in favor of a law that required news media to submit any article to an appointed accuracy review commission before publication?

Would you vote in favor of a law that required all public officeholders to take their oath using a Christian or Jewish Bible?

Would you vote in favor of a law allowing cities and towns to pass zoning ordnances forbidding churches or temples or mosques in their community?

Would you vote to allow government tax dollars to support religious schools?

Do you think it should be made illegal for companies to hire lobbyists to press Congress for what they want?

Would you support a law that allows the government to arrest and detain citizens suspected of terrorist activity without having to show any evidence of guilt to a court?

Would you support a law that did not allow bail for accused sex offenders, requiring them to be kept in jail until trial?

If someone commits a crime do you think they should be required to pay for their own lawyer, or apply for private charity?

If you voted yes on any of these eight items, you have voted against a provision in the Bill of Rights in The United States Constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court. You would not be alone. I did an informal survey of 28 friends, and more than half (15) of them were in favor of at removing at least one of these rights (seven would remove two or more).

Surveys show that most Americans do not understand the Bill of Rights and the protections it offers. For example, in a recent survey by the Bill of Rights Institute, 53% social studies teachers answered “Yes” when asked whether the government can legally stop publication of news in advance simply by claiming that the information may damage national security. The Supreme Court ruled this unconstitutional in 1971.

One of the drawbacks of a democratic government is that it can become a tool for the “tyranny of the majority”. The founders of our form of government made the Bill of Rights part of the Constitution so that no legislature could deny its carefully enumerated rights simply by passing a bill, even if this bill were supported by a majority of voters.

The only way to take these rights away from citizens is to amend the Constitution, and the founders made that very difficult. The battle must be fought not only in Congress but also in every state legislature. That is why the “Equal Rights Amendment” –despite broad support and years of effort — did not pass.

Those who set up the Massachusetts constitution put in a different system. They made it much easier for the will of the people to be expressed in the form of an amendment. One might call it true democracy, but there are times when true democracy is not a good idea.

If the framers had set up a similar system, our guess is that much of the Bill of Rights would have been repealed by now. There are times — and we believe that the amendment forbidding gay marriage is one of them — where the will of the people should not be followed.

Vietnam and Iraq, deja vu all over again?

February 15, 2007

Arriving in Vietnam for the first time, George Bush could not resist referring to the war in Iraq. Among other things, he said “We’ll succeed –unless we quit.”

Apparently President Bush thinks we could have won the war in Vietnam had we ”stayed the course” beyond the eight years and 58,000 American lives we devoted to the effort. He also seems to believe we are winning the war in Iraq. The facts on the ground do not seem to affect his thinking.

Two other American presidents ignored the facts in Vietnam.

It was twenty-eight years ago, in early 1968, that the Tet offensive shocked us into reconsideration of what we were doing. Even though it failed to achieve the great victory wished for by the North Vietnamese, Tet showed the American people that what they had been told about the state of the war was wrong. We weren’t winning.

After Tet, President Johnson stopped the bombing of the north to jump-start a peace process, which never went anywhere. In November, Richard Nixon was elected president, partly based on a “secret plan” to end the war.

Nixon’s plan was “Vietnamization.” He was going to give the South Vietnamese the resources and training necessary to fight the war themselves, and as they stood up, America would stand down, although they did not use that Bush-like phrase.

Just like the Iraq War today, the Vietnam War was marked by great disagreement over what we should do about a war that was obviously not going the way we had hoped. Could we win it? What would happen if we lost it? The periodicals of the time are full of the debate, and it sounds eerily familiar to the debate we are hearing today over Iraq.

Senator Aiken of Vermont said we should simply “declare victory” and go home. Senator Kennedy argued in favor of a negotiated mutual withdrawal of the North Vietnamese and American armies, leaving the South Vietnamese government and the indigenous Communist rebels (the Viet Cong) to fight it out in a civil war.

Others pushed for a negotiated settlement with the north that would not take the south’s wishes into account, followed by a gradual withdrawal of American troops. All of these would be called “cut and run” today by Karl Rove and his clients.

There was also a movement to replace (once again) the South Vietnamese regime with a “more democratic” government. There was a growing awareness of the corruption and incompetence of the existing leaders.

In fact, we did not change much about our approach and we never did negotiate a peace. Five years after Tet, and almost 30,000 more dead Americans later, we declared the Vietnamese Army ready to win the war on its own, and left. Shortly thereafter North Vietnam took over the whole country. And the world knew we had lost the war.

As time passed Americans learned what most of the world had long known: The war was unnecessary. There was nothing serious at stake. The world went on. There was no domino effect. Communism was not seriously strengthened. And now we are about to sign trade agreements with our former enemy.

Iraq War

January 15, 2007

 Iraq War







D I R G E!

Thanksgiving 2006

November 18, 2006

Americans are truly a fortunate people to live in a country where freedoms and rights are guaranteed in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We are blessed with an overwhelming majority of good solid citizens who form the united strength that has held our country together in the past and who hold out the hope for its future. There is much Americans should be grateful for on this Thanksgiving. Hundreds of things we take for granted are still unattainable dreams for millions of people on this tiny planet. In addition to our health, our families, our friends, our prosperity, our country and our rights and freedoms we should be especially thankful for:Parents who care for and inspire their children;

Teachers who are devoted to training our youth;

Doctors, nurses and other medical workers who care for our sick;

Policemen, firemen, and other public employees who risk their lives in service to their communities;

Members of the military who protect and defend;

Religious leaders who give comfort and encouragement and who strive to instill and preserve moral and spiritual values;

Political leaders who seek serve their fellow citizens;

Public spirited individuals who donate time, energy and financial resources to the less fortunate.

Yes, there is much to be thankful for, but we do not live in an earthly paradise and we face continuing challenges. We have a responsibility to take up our God given blessings and use them to make life richer and more meaningful for ALL human beings. We live together; we must work together;

To end war, eliminate prejudice in all its forms, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and create jobs for the unemployed.

Rid the country of corruption and scandal, improve educational opportunities for all peoples.

Eliminate the pollution of our natural resources and reduce global warming.

These are but a few of the challenges that await us this Thanksgiving. The resolution of these and many other problems require our finest efforts if we are to fulfill the dreams of our founders.

Finally, let us strive to achieve peace in our world. Peace in Asia, peace in the Middle East, in Europe, in Africa, in South America, in our country, our state, our towns and cities. Peace in our families and in our hearts.

This is a large order, but a necessary one. There is no better time to start than this Thanksgiving.

Too many politicians are sounding like kids

October 17, 2006

When we listen to political debate lately we are reminded of the days when our kids were young. Just like our kids, politicians who get caught in a mistake — or doing something wrong — often argue that others have done the same. It’s the old “He did it too” defense.

When the Abramoff scandal broke, and several Republican Congressmen were implicated in wrong doing, the defense was “The Democrats are just as bad,” and they pointed the finger at Congressman William Jefferson (D- Louisiana ) who was caught with $90,000 in his freezer.

And when Congressman Foley’s inappropriate activities came to light, Republicans immediately invoked former Cape Cod Congressman Gerry Studds’ name.

This “they do it too” argument usually launches a fruitless discussion about who is worse, Democrats or Republicans, thus taking the focus off of the current wrongdoers.

We want to say the same thing to the politicians who do this as we used to say to our young kids: “The fact that others do the same kind of thing does not excuse you. You did something wrong, and you have to pay the price.” We believe that being a grownup means taking responsibility for your own behavior.

But there is a defense that is even worse than the “He did it too” argument. If you have kids, you may recognize it. We call it the “It’s all his fault!” argument.

This approach has been used for many problems by the Bush administration. They blamed Clinton for the recession that justified their tax decreases, for example. Then they blamed him for not killing “Osama Been Hiding,” which (they imply) would have prevented 9-11.

Now the Bush people are trying to pin their problems with North Korea on Clinton. If only Bill had not made that crummy deal with “Dear Leader,” they say, all would be well on the Korean peninsula today. It’s all Bill’s fault.

A huge amount of time has been wasted arguing over these matters. Clinton made headlines refuting the bin Laden argument in an interview on Fox TV just recently.

We say: “Enough already! Can we please start acting like grownups?”

For example, whatever Clinton may or may not have done wrong, the fact is that the Bush administration has been in power for nearly six years now (with a Republican Congress for much of that time), and it is time for them to take responsibility for what has happened on their watch.

Instead of wasting time blaming Clinton for his problems, Bush should be doing everything he can to leave the world a better place when he retires. History won’t blame anyone but Bush if, when he hands over the presidency in 2009, Social Security and Medicare are heading for a crash; the national debt is out of control; bin Laden is still hatching plots in the hills of Pakistan; and the situations in Iraq, Iran and North Korea have shown no improvement.